To Book Your Free Call, Please Complete The Pre-Qualification Form Below:
Full Name
Best Email
Your PERSONAL Facebook profile
How did you hear about us?
YouTube Ad
Google Search
Facebook Group
Podcast or Article
None of the Above
What is your business website URL?
Tell me briefly about your business
Briefly describe the way you are marketing your products/services right now:
What is the current monthly gross revenue for the business you'd like to discuss?
What is the target monthly gross revenue for this business?
On a scale of 1-10... (1 being I'm fine where I am, and 10 being I'll do anything to reach my revenue goals.) What number are you?
Be 100% honest - what do you think is stopping you from hitting your target monthly revenue? (The more specific you are here the faster we'll get you clarity during our call together)
If I could wave a magic wand, what would you like to have happen in your business??
Do you have a business partner you need to run decisions by? (If so they should be on the call)
Are you willing to use a credit card, paypal credit, or loan if you feel it's what you need?
What makes you different from the other applications and why should we choose to work with you?
Are you will to invest financially to reach your goals?
Are you ready to move forward on the call IF it's decided that you're a good fit for this program. (IF you are not a good fit we will let you know and refer you to someone else)
I realize I am booking a real time on someone's schedule. I promise to respect their time by showing up for the time I select